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Background Images

Change your web page look & feel. Choose from over 250+ background images!

Color Backgrounds

1) Click thumbnail to load and see background in action.
2) Copy HTML codes after selection.

Royalty free images by dCodes.
US copyright filing C39843285R038.

External CSS

To use this background image on all your pages, add/amend these codes to your existing global style sheet file (normally style.css).

Local version:
body { select background image to see code! }
Tip: If your stylesheet is located in a subfolder, e.g. /css/style.css, replace ('dcodes/bg_images/... with ('../dcodes/bg_images/...

Hosted version:
body { select background image to see code! }

Internal CSS

If adding background to a single web page, add the following codes within the <HEAD> section of your webpage:

Local version:
<style type="text/css">
body { select background image to see code! }

Hosted version:
<style type="text/css">
body { select background image to see code! }

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