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Over 500 fonts in library. Page HeadersPage Headers Spice up your pages with these fancy title headers. DropcapsDropcaps Add letter dropcaps. Text HighlighterText Highlighter Highlight text paragraphs or important keywords. Spoiler CodesSpoilers Create movie/data spoilers easily! PullquotesPullquotes Create standout pullquotes. BlockquotesBlockquotes Create testimonials and remarks. Comment BoxesComment Boxes Create comment boxes & testimonials. ListsLists Create fancy ordered lists with icon bullets. Data GridTable Data Grid Organize data with sortable table data grids.Instant search, auto pagination, live calculation. Table Styles ITable Styles I Stylish CSS table styles - various colors. Table Styles IITable Styles II Stylish CSS table styles - grey tones. Image Hover EffectsImage Hover Effects Add hover effects to your images. Image CaptionsImage Captions Add captions to your images. Image FramesImage Frames Add stylish frame borders to your images. 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Jump MenuJump MenuWeb navigation system with jump out/slide effects. Metro MenuMetro MenuWeb navigation system with auto shrink/expand effects. Mega MenuMega MenuBevel style web navigation menus. Responsive MenuResponsive MenuWeb navigation system that fits on all devices (desktop, mobile, tablet). Scroller MenuScroller MenuNavigation system with inbuilt scrolling. Slideout MenuSlideout MenuWeb navigation anchored to sidebar, slides out on hover. Superfish MenuSuperfish MenuProfessional web navigation system with fade effects. Tree MenuTree MenuFolder tree/ explorer inspired navigation system. Vertical MenuVertical MenuVertically aligned web navigation system. + View All In One Page Navigation menu requires Javascript to be enabled. Menus Menus shortcodes available from the dCodes HTML Framework. Click on shortcode screenshot for more information. << Previous App Menu Web application style dropdown navigation system. Button Menu Popup & dropdown web menus. CSS Menu Navigation menus using pure CSS. Dock Menu OSX inspired web menus Elegant Menu Stylish navigation menus with fade effects. Expanded Menu Sidebar menu that auto expands/scrolls with the reader. Extended Menu Stylish fade-in-out navigation system Flat Menu Clean, corporate navigation system. iMenu Apple inspired web navigation menus. Jump Menu Web navigation system with jump out/slide effects. Metro Menu Web navigation system with auto shrink/expand effects. Mega Menu Bevel style web navigation menus. Responsive Menu Web navigation system that fits on all devices (desktop, mobile, tablet). Scroller Menu Navigation system with inbuilt scrolling. Slideout Menu Web navigation anchored to sidebar, slides out on hover. Superfish Menu Professional web navigation system with fade effects. Tree Menu Folder tree/ explorer inspired navigation system. Vertical Menu Vertically aligned web navigation system. << Previous © TemplateAccess
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