Setup a simple ecommerce store & accept orders in just 10 minutes. No database required. 100% browser based. |
Embed Videos
Embed YouTube, Vimeo, HTML 5, DM videos. |

Embed Document Files
Embed Adobe PDF/MS Office files internally or externally on a webpage. |

Social Networks
Add Facebook Likes/Box, Twitter Follow, Tweet, Google+ buttons, pInterest & more! |

Twitter Feeds
Add live twitter streams to your web pages. Just copy code + enter your twitter username! |

Skype Calls
Call & chat to your website visitors with easy Skype integration. |

RSS Feeds
Display RSS Feeds on your website. Just copy code + enter a RSS URL! |

Site Screenshot
Dynamically generate a screenshot of any website URL by simply pasting some HTML codes on your webpage. |
Bing/Google Maps
Add interactive Google Maps/Bing Maps within minutes. |

Flickr Gallery
Stream photos from your flickr account to your webpage with jquery. |

Scroll to Top
Create a dynamic scroll to top button that appears near the bottom of pages. |

Site Search
Add site search to your website. Powered by Google. |

PayPal Buttons
Accept and process credit card payments with Paypal links. |
Contact Forms
Create beautiful contact forms. |

Popup Notifications
Create popup message dialogs & notification bar alerts. |

Message Boxes
Show alert/confirmation message boxes. |

Image Lightbox
Display content in popup modal dialogs with darkened background. |

Image Preloader
Preload images with style (show animation loops). |

Inline Content
Add scrollable inline HTML content windows. |

Syntax Highlighter
Highlight and nicely format your source code for easier online viewing. Supports HTML, CSS, Pascal, Java, JS, PHP, Python, ROR, VB, SQL, XML, C and more! |

Add popup tooltip hints to your links, images and forms! |