Shortcodes are pre-defined HTML/CSS codes. By adding a few line lines of codes to your webpages you can
embed YouTube videos, add clickable buttons, twitter feeds or stylize your HTML tables! These are just some of the 1500+ shortcode functions available in the dCodes HTML Framework. To use a shortcode, simply copy the codes to your HTML document!
Shortcode Example:
Current code:
Visit Google :
<a href="">Visit Google</a>
To buttonize this, we include the required <CSS+JS> files and then call one of the many available "button" shortcode styles.
Updated code:
<a href="" class="dc_awb_large dc_flat">Visit Google</a>
The browser will now render the code as:
Visit Google
How do I add shortcodes?
To add a shortcode to your page, simply toggle the
"View code" link under each shortcode example.
Copy this code and paste it into your HTML document. Make sure you also add all necessary CSS/JS scripts! That's it!
Note: Make sure you include the jQuery library if any <javascript> tags are called.
<script type="text/javascript" src="dcodes/jquery-1.7.2.min.js"></script>
No. dCodes is designed to be modular, therefore you only need to upload the shortcode folders you use.
For example, if you use social buttons on your website, then only the folder /dcodes/social_buttons/ as well as the core files need uploading (/dcodes/jquery.min.js, /dcodes/jquery.easing.js)
There are benefits to each JSS/CSS inclusion method. We recommend using a mix of both.
Local version: dCode files are hosted on your server, abiltiy to customize & edit JS/CSS to your needs.
Online version: dCode files are hosted on the Amazon
S3 &
CloudFront CDN which spans across 32+ worldwide edge locations. Delivery of CSS/JS scripts are usually 80-100% faster than single hosts. Ability to handle unlimited traffic with 99.99% uptime. Files are maintained and always up to date. JS/CSS customization unavailable.
dCodes Hosted edition is powered by Amazon S3 & Amazon CloudFront CDN.
How it works
dCodes files stored on redundant S3 buckets are cached automatically by all CloudFront edge locations. CloudFront uses Amazon Route 53/Anycast to route your visitors to the nearest data center/point of presence. The result is that dCode files, on average, loads twice as fast for your visitors regardless of where they are located.
With 32+ edge locations, the Amazon CloudFront content delivery network in combination with S3 delivers 99.99% uptime.
CloudFront edge locations: Ashburn/VA, Dallas/TX, Jacksonville/FL, Los Angeles/CA, Miami/FL, New York/NY, Newark/NJ, Palo Alto/CA, San Jose/CA, Seattle/WA, South Bend/IN,
St. Louis/MO, Amsterdam, Dublin, Frankfurt, London, Milan, Paris, Stockholm, Hong Kong, Osaka, Singapore, Tokyo, Sao Paulo, Sydney.